Would you like to know more about Steve Pavlina?
Then, read on, this is the place to find the answers to your questions…
Steve Pavlina is an American self-help guru and the mind behind the book ‘Personal Development for Smart People’.
With a controversial past, a thriving present, and a promising future, Steve is the perfect example of how you can achieve a complete turnaround in your life. This website will tell you more about how Steve was able to turn his felony grand theft arrest and various misdemeanor arrests into one of the most successfully motivational careers around.

As he continued to pursue a better life for himself, Steve, through his own experiences, was able to discover self-help truths that can help anyone who seems to be stuck in various struggles. These truths he shares with the public willingly through his internationally renowned blog, his book, and now, through this website.
So if you’ve been struggling with certain problems in your life, Steve, through the ideas and advice he will provide through this website, can not only help you get through them but will also help you use your past experiences to make the ultimate change in your life.
How to Change Your Life in 4 Ways
1. Steve Pavlina Self Help Topics
This website offers you 4 different ways on how to change your life by delving into 4 different self-help themes. Steve Pavlina offers various self-help topics, namely:
- Values. Steve Pavlina’s list of values consists of values that Steve believes each person needs in order to develop a clear sense of the most important things in life. Steve believes that each person has a list of values that resonate most in their lives, and that each should identify these values and live them out. Steve believes that each person has very limited time, so finding the values that matter the most is important and even necessary for one to find focus in life. These values will then give you clarity, thus helping you make the right decisions and conducting the right actions that will help you achieve the best life for you. These values will help lead you to the ‘best’ life that is in store for you.
Steva Pavlina and Erin october 2008 before their divorce. Divorce. There is one reason why Steve is the best self-help guru for those struggling with separation and divorce: he’s been through both too. Unlike other self-development experts, Steve does not pretend to have the perfect life or the perfect marriage. In fact, Steve and his wife Erin separated and divorced in 2009. But instead of letting the experience ruin them, both Steve and Erin used it as an opportunity to pursue a better life for themselves, a life where a marriage and day-to-day compromises don’t get in the way. Freed, each of them were able to pursue the highest level of happiness and contentment in their lives, and they were able to pursue their goals and desires, even if these led to different directions. The divorce also made them both wiser, and now Erin has also become a successful self help guru herself. The best part is, Erin and Steve are able to stay good friends, which is proof that they have learned the secret to living a life of peace and balance, making them the perfect example and teachers about divorce.
- Criticism. As a high-profile self-help guru and personal development blogger, Steve Pavlina is not a stranger to criticism. Despite the constant criticisms that Steve receives from people who don’t believe in his ideas, Steve manages to remain positive and motivated. In this blog, you will learn some of Steve’s techniques in dealing with criticisms, good and bad alike, so that when faced with criticism yourself, you will know how to react and interpret it and use it for your own good.
- Polyamory. Polyamory, symbolized by the infinity heart, is the acceptance of having more than one intimate relationship at a time with the consent of all parties involved. Steve bravely plunges into the subject, one that many other self-help gurus try to avoid. By doing so, Steve offers freedom and acceptance for those who have this desire but are afraid to let it out or to get hurt in the process. In this website, you will learn some of Steve’s principles in practicing healthy polyamory as a positive growth experience.
- Raw food. In an attempt to give his audiences insights into every aspect of daily life that can help them enrich their lives, Steve Pavlina also delves into the raw food diet. This website will tell you how he was able to use raw food as part of his personal change mission, and how you can do the same.
- Polyphasic sleep. Polyphasic sleep, the practice of sleeping multiple times within a 24-hour period, is one of the many topics that Steve has personally studied and experimented with. This website will teach you how to use follow a polyphasic sleep schedule and how you can use it as part of a personal growth challenge, just like what Steve has done in the past.
Here you will also learn a lot more about the famous and hugely successful Steve Pavlina blog, which has helped a lot of people turn their lives around. Pavlina’s blog has covered all these topics and has successfully performed trials on them. In order to make it easy for you to find these discussions, this website now presents them in a more organized manner. To learn more about any of these topics, all you have to do is navigate to the correct theme.
2. Steve Pavlina Personal Development
One of these themes is ‘personal development according to Steve Pavlina’, which this website has dedicated an entire section for. Here you will find Steve’s winning tips on developing your personal development goals and how to pursue total personal growth.
3. Erin Pavlina
Aside from Steve’s many self-help topics, this website also highlights self help tips and advice from Erin Pavlina, Steve’s former wife, who helps give a female perspective to most of the topics Steve has delved into, especially divorce.
4. Rachelle Fordyce
This website will also tell of a happy ending of sorts to Steve’s story: the story of Steve and Rachelle Fordyce, a partner who has helped Steve realize his true desires.
Follow the links to the section that interests you most and start learning how to set yourself free and transform your life, just like Steve did.
Further Reading About Steve Pavlina
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